Well JaJaJa Books had such a fantastic first year in 2011 and I hope 2012 holds the same.
I self published, I got the books into many different retail outlets, the books went online with Amazon, I toured the schools and found my story times proved very successful. I featured in the Colchester Circle http://issuu.com/circlehousepublishing/docs/thecolchestercircleseptember2011?mode=embed&layout=http%3A%2F%2Fskin.issuu.com%2Fv%2Flight%2Flayout.xml&showFlipBtn=true, The Evening Gazette and The Babybook, http://www.thebabybook.co.uk/downloads/tbb_winter2011.pdf
plus I was awarded book of the month by Prima Baby magazine- a national magazine! So much else happened too and I couldn’t have hoped for a better start really- the support I received from friends old and new was overwhelming.
Already 2012 has started with a bang and we are now being sold on a wonderful online shop http://www.acolytehomeandgifts.com/shop/category/209/JaJaJa-Books/
– and this all came about through a small business network that I joined through Facebook! Social media can work wonders.
This year is going to be bigger and better with audio CDs in the pipeline and the books going into other languages. For once in my life I am loving work as it is something I feel so passionate about- children should learn languages earlier – simples!